Safety Signs & Stickers – Fire Exit Signs


Our Exit Signs are 300x100mm in size with high quality printing on the material of your choice.

  • Fire Exit
  • 3MM Metal Composite
  • 3MM Metal Composite with 4 Holes
  • 5MM FOMAX Plastic
  • 5MM FOMAX Plastic with 4 Holes
  • Sticker
SKU: N/A Category: Tags: , , ,

Size conversions:

What does branded material mean?
Branded material means they are industry leaders in plastic or self-adhesive, this results in a better job and peace of mind that what you have purchased will last hence we only supply branded products.

How our signs and stickers are manufactured:

Our signs are stickers printed directly to a branded , 3mm/5mm plastic or 3mm metal composite. Our stickers are stickers printed directly to a branded white self-adhesive vinyl, except window stickers. Our Photoluminescent signs are stickers printed directly to branded plastic material (glow in the dark).

What are window stickers?
Some of our listings give you the option of window stickers. Window stickers are to be applied to the inside of a window and read from the outside.

What are photoluminescent signs?
Photoluminescent signs glow in the dark. Photoluminescence is a special kind of luminescence. Photoluminescence covers any material that will absorb light energy and then release that energy in the form of a light.


Fire Exit


300mm x 100mm


3MM Metal Composite, 3MM Metal Composite with 4 Holes, 5MM FOMAX Plastic, 5MM FOMAX Plastic with 4 Holes, Sticker

Fire Exit Sign

Down Arrow, Fire Exit Keep Clear, Fire Exit Man Right, Left Arrow, Left-Down Diagonal Arrow, Left-Up Diagonal Arrow, Right Arrow, Right-Down Diagonal Arrow, Right-Up Diagonal Arrow, Up Arrow